5 art museums to discover around Mont Ventoux

5 art museums to discover around Mont Ventoux

L'Inguimbertine, the library-museum of Carpentras

Its reopening was expected for ten years. The majestic Hôtel-Dieu , built in the 18C . at the request of Mgr d'Inguimbert, was admirably rehabilitated to house the only library-museum in France . Past the historic gallery which traces the history of the town and Comtat Venaissin, we plunge into the intimacy of the study rooms which bring together the exceptional collection of old books of the former bishop of Carpentras: medieval manuscripts , incunabula , rare prints , etc. The fine arts gallery brings together a superb collection of paintings by regional artists from the 18C and 19C . : portraits by Joseph-Siffred Duplessis, landscapes by Joseph-Xavier Bidauld, genre scenes by Évariste de Valernes, orientalist paintings by Jules Laurens.

L'Inguimbertine - 180 pl. Aristide-Briand, 84200 Carpentras - Tel. 04 90 95 23 70 -www.inguimbertine.carpentras.fr

The Petit Palais museum, in Avignon

You undoubtedly know the Palais des Papes , but have you pushed your curiosity so far as to venture to the foot of the imposing building which closes the perspective of the square? This old cardinal livery from the 14C . , which became the Archbishops' Palace , now houses a unique collection of Italian paintings from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance ( 13th -16th centuries ) . Among his remarkable works, the Venus with three putti and a Madonna and Child by the great Florentine master Botticelli. A section is also devoted to the Provençal school, as well as Romanesque and Gothic sculptures. But it is only the tree that hides the forest, because Avignon has many other museums – Calvet, Lapidaire, Requien and Palais du Roure – which complement each other and offer several thousand works of art to see. The icing on the cake is that all these municipal museums are free !

Petit Palais Museum - 21 pl. du Palais-des-Papes, 84000 Avignon - www.petit-palais.org

The Orange Museum of Art and History

If the monumental stage wall of the best preserved ancient theater in the Western world overshadows it somewhat, the Orange Museum of Art and History constitutes a good introduction to the visit of its illustrious neighbor . Occupying a 17C mansion , it traces the history of the town from prehistory to the present day and brings together, among other things, archaeological remains from the theater decor or discovered during excavations carried out locally. Unique in the world, the impressive fragments of three cadastral plans engraved on marble in the 1st century, on the order of the Emperor Vespasian.

Museum of Art and History - R. Madeleine Roch, 84100 Orange - Tel. 04 90 51 17 60 - www. theatre-antique.com

The Marceau Constantin museum, in Saint-Christol

Another place, another time. To the east of Ventoux, the small village of Saint-Christol pays homage to the native son, the painter Marius Constantin (1918-2017), who approached several modern artistic movements, from the figurative to the almost abstract, and has exhibited all over the world. The museum dedicated to him allows you to admire 200 of his works, very graphic and vibrantly colored paintings , but also illustrations , engravings , screen prints , ceramics , sculptures ... An original universe to discover in the middle of the fields lavender from the Albion plateau.

Musée Marceau Constantin – 18 L e cours, 84390 Saint-Christol - Tel. 06 84 37 96 76 - www.musee-marceau-constantin.com

The founding of Villa Datris, in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue

If antique dealers and second-hand dealers have made the reputation of L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, it is contemporary sculpture that is in question at Villa Datris. This elegant Provençal residence with its colorful facade hosts exhibitions each year that are as eclectic as they are delightful, showcasing emerging talents as well as nationally or internationally renowned artists. On the 2024 program, “ Making a Body” invites 65 artists from around the world to give their vision of the body. The visit ends in the delicious little sculpture garden hidden at the back of the house, on the banks of the Sorgue.

Villa Datris - 7 r. des Quatre-Otages, 84800 L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue - www.fondationvilladatris.com

The art of welcoming at Slow Provence

After having navigated between nature and culture, all you have to do is return to your vacation spot. To do this, trust the Slow Provence agency , which will offer you a wide selection of vacation rentals around Mont Ventoux , a stone's throw from the trails... and the museums !

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