Valréas, small village between the Vaucluse and Provençal Drôme
Enclaved in the Drôme Provençale but part of the Vaucluse department, the village of Valréas has so much to offer passing visitors as well as tourists coming to stay. Here you can live and breathe Provence with its charming houses and narrow streets, not to mention the lavender fields and vineyards dominating the rolling landscape surrounding the village. The commune offers a full events calendar throughout the year with festivals and activities, often free and certainly not to be missed.

Lavender farming
Around the village you will find many lavender and lavandin fields used for cosmetics, making soaps and essential oils.
500 hectares are grown in the Papal Enclave and make up a significant percentage of the region’s farming output.
A real picture postcard, this corner of Provence is perfect for taking a typically Provençal photo among the lavender, vines and olive groves ;)

The Markets of Valréas
On Wednesday mornings, the main market brings the village to life on Place de la République, le Cours Saint-Antoine, Rue Saint-Antoine and Place Cardinal Maury. A plethora of things can be found here: fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, condiments, cosmetics, clothing, furniture, flowers and more...
On Saturday mornings between 10:00 and 13:00, the Marché aux Agaps is held on Place Cardinal Maury, with local producers ready to entice you with their beautiful produce. Snack tastings are also on offer as you make your way around the stalls.

The Château de Simiane
Now the town hall of Valréas, this 17th-century château has belonged to many illustrious owners, including Pauline de Simiane, who published the letters of her grandmother, none other than the Countess of Sévigné.
The building invites you to explore art exhibitions every summer, as well as its incredible collection of old books in its large library (some date from the early days of printing in the 15th century).

The Cardboard and Printing Museum
The true European capital of card manufacturing, the museum in Valréas recounts the history of its industrial heritage and glorious past in the 19th century. Here you will discover the evolution of techniques and methods used for printing and cardboard box manufacturing, from the Industrial Revolution to the present day, but also admire the exquisite printing and engraving work from the Belle Époque.

Festivals and events
Les Concerts Tôts: Between the Fête de la Musique in June and the end of August, a free concert is held every Friday evening.
At the end of June, the town welcomes la Nuit du Petit Saint-Jean: A light and sound show, fancy dress procession, funfair and car boot sale are organised.
Les Nuits de l'Enclave: a theatre festival that takes place during the last two weeks of July, with a quality programme.
Corso Lavande: a festival held during the first weekend in August to celebrate lavender, featuring a fair, activities, a procession of floral floats, and more.
Mid-August: Historical weekend: a troop of actors in costume re-enact scenes from different historical periods, all across the town.
Find out more here: valreas